Why Study Interdisciplinary Studies, Ph.D.  at Montana Tech?

The Interdisciplinary Studies, Ph.D. 是与米苏拉的蒙大拿大学合作管理的. The D.I.S. is not focused on combining disciplines as the M.I.S. 程序,而是允许学生提出一个问题或一系列问题进行研究.

Application Process

  • This degree has a different application process than other degrees at the university; prospective students must schedule an appointment with the Director or Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs before beginning the application process.

  • 学生必须寻找有资源和专业知识的教师来帮助他们确定和执行研究目标, 并设计课程来获得实现这些目标所需的技能和能力.

  • The D.I.S. requires a student who is highly motivated, has a focused goal/research project in mind, 并且能够积极参与他或她的教育过程.

Focus on Personal Interests
Engaged, Experienced Faculty
Interdisciplinary Approach
The World Needs Problem Solvers. We'll Help You Become One of the Best.

Explore Classes in Interdisciplinary Studies, Ph.D.

  • 要毕业,学生需要在硕士学位之外至少修满45个学分. 学分可以包括常规课程(研究生学分为G或UG), independent study, internships and seminars. 为了达到学分要求,学生必须修习:

    • At least 10 credits of dissertation research.

    • At least 18 credits at the 500 or 600 level.

    • At least 2 credits of D.I.S. Seminar (when offered; students can substitute a department seminar in consultation with their advisors); seminars may not be taken in the same semester.

    • At least 2 credits of seminars offered by any graduate program on the UM – Missoula Campus; seminars may not be taken in the same semester.

Dissertation proposal -学生必须在课程的第二年(或在入学时双方商定的时间框架内)向他们的委员会提交正式的论文提案。. 本提案须经博士委员会批准, 在学生进入综合考试之前.

Comprehensive exam – Students must pass a comprehensive exam. The exam generally includes a written and oral portion, 虽然具体格式将由学生研究生委员会决定,并在入学前达成一致.

Dissertation / Oral Defense -符合研究生院对所有博士学位的政策(链接至D5).0000: Dissertation Defense), 学生必须提交并获得他们的博士论文的正式批准,并且必须在获得学位之前通过他们的论文的口头答辩.

Learn More About Interdisciplinary Studies, Ph.D
Graduate School

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Mines & Engineering 


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获取跨学科研究的每学期信息.D. courses.

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Not ready for a Ph.D.? 我们在研究生阶段还有另一个选择,也允许跨学科合作.

Connect with us.

We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Jesse Taylor
Director, Grad Enrollment
(406) 496-4781