Why Study Business and Construction Management at 蒙大拿 Tech?

我们的应用科学学士(BAS)课程下的建筑管理课程旨在为学生提供在完成应用科学副学士(AAS)学位后继续接受教育的机会. BAS的设计使学生可以在大约2年的时间内完成学士学位.获得AAS后,再学习5年或6个学期. 这种额外的投资将为任何学生提供额外的专业就业机会.

Build on 你的 AAS

施工管理课程是专门为已经完成建筑技术或相关领域的AAS的学生设计的. 这些学生继续获得学士学位,在那里他们接受与建筑行业相关的特定商业课程. 商业培训包括一般的商业课程以及与估算相关的特定课程, construction contracts, 劳工问题, safety issues, information technology, and project management. 从历史上看, 建筑管理专业的学生在行业相关的实习和全职专业工作中都取得了非常成功的成绩.

本专业的学生将有机会与热爱教学的教师一起工作. 商学院的教职员工将丰富的学术和行业经验带入课堂,并注重从经验中学习. 该系已获得国际商业教育认证委员会(IACBE)的独立认证。.

Outstanding 教师 

最重要的是, students can be assured Business Department professors are both knowledgeable and committed to teaching accounting; we proudly count two certified accountants as faculty members.

Excellent Facilities

在业务部学习时,你将有机会使用配备双显示器的特殊计算机实验室, SAP Enterprise System software等等.

Hands-on Learning

Through hands-on learning experiences, such as class projects, 案例研究, business simulations, and a senior capstone project, 你将学习将商业概念应用到现实世界的商业环境中. 你的 faculty mentors will also help connect you to high-quality, hands-on business internships with companies of interest to you.

Spectacular Location

除了获得商业实习和工作机会之外, 蒙大拿 Tech’s location in 孤峰, 蒙大拿, provides you with endless outdoor opportunities, including hiking, biking, skiing, and fishing. Historic 孤峰 also offers a vibrant art scene, with galleries, 音乐场所, 节日, 和剧院.

Study Business and have fun too 

Expand your business education by getting involved in student activities and clubs right on the 蒙大拿 Tech campus. Take a break from your business studies to hike hundreds of miles of maintained trails, including the Continental Divide Trail, or go mountain biking, 用假蝇钓鱼, 或者是野外和越野滑雪,这些都距离校园只有几分钟的路程.

Prepare for 你的 "Next" 

From engaged business faculty to outstanding Career Services, 蒙大拿 Tech has the resources, 支持, and connections you need for a successful business future. The business  program boasts a 100% outcome rate 在过去的10年里,包括在专业和研究生课程的安置. 通过商学学位,你将满足进入MBA项目所需的所有先决课程.

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Engaged 教师 with Experience & 专业知识
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(406) 496-4457